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Memoir 1, Page 53, Confederate Plots

"In 1863 there was a standing advertisement in the rebel papers, for Ten or Thirty thousand brave Southrons (sons of slave holders) to go in disguise to the Northern States, 'to carry the torch' to the Northern man's house 'that he might see the fruits of abolitionism in the flames of his own burning dwelling."

While there was a plot towards the end of the war by 8 Confederate veterans to burn New York City, evidence of a "standing advertisement" for this many supporters has not been found. Southerners operating out of Canada, foreign countries, and in Northern territories, popularly called the "Confederate Secret Service" were few and far in between. While the plot to burn New York was carried out on November 25, 1864 by the so-called "Confederate Army of Manhattan," it was largely unsuccessful and only resulted in a bit of damage and foreign outrage. As evidence of Woods' statement has not been found, it is unclear what he is quoting here.