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Memoir 1, Page 28, Protective Tariff of 1828

"That Webster was right when he said-- 'The Federal Union now and forever, one and inseparable.'"

This is a quote from Massachusetts' Senator Daniel Webster's 1830 speech as a part of a debate with South Carolina's Robert Young Hayne over nullification and protective tariff of 1828, also known as the "Tariff of Abominations." This particular quote was the last sentence of his second reply to Hayne and part of the larger, ongoing conflict over slavery and rising sectionalism that would ultimately lead to the Civil War. A complete version of this speech can be found here.

"That Andrew Jackson was right when he defied the nullifying tories of Carolina and told them that 'The Union, it must, it shall be presevered.'"

This is a quote from Andrew Jackson's toast at the annual Democratic dinner in celebration of Thomas Jefferson's birthday in 1830, which served to clarify Jackson's official stance on the nullification debates regarding the "Tariff of Abominations." This statement came as a shock to those who thought Jackson would come out in support of states' rights. The Nullification Crisis would ultimately result in South Carolina's threats of nullification, secession, and armed resistance throughout 1832 until the lowering of tariffs in the Compromise Tariff of 1833.